You can join the Card Campaign!
Read on to see if our campaign is the right fit for you.
We spread facts far and wide by distributing them on two-sided cards, one side each for the two leading Democratic and Republican candidates. These cards are handouts, meant to be left places and passed around (you can’t mail one unless you put it in an envelope). We provide for you the card templates and printing instructions, and you do your part by sharing with others as you can. Because we want to be as inclusive as possible, we also offer card distribution guides for different personality types: extrovert, introvert, and in-between-trovert. You only need to provide the card stock, the printing, and some of your time.
Here is the list of the eight single-card topics (in no specific order) and the two constitutional amendment cards we will be releasing over the months until mid-October:
Immigration and the Border
Women’s Rights
Climate Change and Fossil Fuels
Millennials and Gen X
Foreign Policy
Saving our Democracy
Amendment Card One 13, 14, 15
Amendment Card Two 19, 24, 26