The Card Campaign Continues

Though we were defeated at the polls, there is still so much we can do to continue to fight for democracy and civil rights. We are continuing to create cards for distribution in 2025. We hope you’ll join us! Please review the card selections below and use them to print and share in your communities

Fellene Gaylord Fellene Gaylord

Democracy vs Autocracy

What’s at Stake for You in Election 2024?

Our Democratic Republic

This election presents a choice between two different visions for America: one of freedom and opportunity, and the other, oppressive and bleak. It’s a decision between maintaining our democracy or succumbing to autocracy.

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2024 Cards Fellene Gaylord 2024 Cards Fellene Gaylord

Standing Up for Yourself

Stand for Yourself and Your Loved Ones

Did you know your elected officials are here to serve you? They have an obligation to listen to your concerns and help you find solutions. As the constituents who voted them into office, you have the power to vote them out; they are aware of this.

Consider what you need to improve your life and the lives of those you care about. Make a list of no more than five items, arranged in order of priority.

Use your list to highlight the changes needed to improve your life and inform your representatives about your situation. Your legislators are there to listen and help provide solutions.

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